Phresh Designs Websites.

Phresh Designs Websites.

We want to design a website for you.

What kind of websites do we build?

WordPress | Webflow | HTML+CSS+JS

Phresh specializes in WordPress website design. We can build custom templates or use pre-built templates from reputable providers. We can also create websites on platforms like Webflow, Wix, and Squarespace. If fully custom is more of your style, drop us a line to get the process started!

What kind of websites do we build?

WordPress | Webflow | HTML+CSS+JS

Phresh specializes in WordPress website design. We can build custom templates or use pre-built templates from reputable providers. We can also create websites on platforms like Webflow, Wix, and Squarespace. If fully custom is more of your style, drop us a line to get the process started!

Our website design process is straightforward.

Once you schedule a meeting, we’ll meet to discuss the vision for your website. Together, we’ll dig into any pain points your site may be experiencing and address any functional requirements necessary.

After we’ve established the project scope and any budgetary restrictions, Phresh will begin the design process by creating style guides, and wireframed layouts. We’ll present these designs to you and explain the reasons behind the design elements used. You will also have the opportunity to review the designs and provide feedback.

Upon design approval, Phresh will start the development process. We’ll build your new website on our staging server and, once completed, will provide access for you to review the website prior to launch.

If you already have a website domain and hosting account, we’ll deploy your new website there at a time that minimizes any downtime your site may experience during the exchange. If you do not have a website domain or hosting account before design approval, we’ll help you find a host and obtain a domain for your site.

Discover + Design + Develop + Deploy

We also design:

Infographics & Guides | Logos | Social Media Artwork

Infographics & Guides,
Social Media Artwork

What’s next?

We’d be happy to talk about our experience and show you other websites we’ve designed but we’d rather talk to you and hear about your needs. Get started by answering a few questions below. Schedule a Discovery Session to receive your free quote.

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