The Sage

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Sharing Wisdom, Compassion, and Mercy

Through the ages, people have sought the advice and counsel of Sages, given their ability to transcend the personal in order to discern and uncover symbols and signs hidden in life’s challenges. Generous of spirit yet discriminating, the Sage gently shares great wisdom with compassion and mercy so that teaching may facilitate a path where mistakes are not repeated. This archetype combines objective analysis with the capacity to weigh many factors and the inclusion of expert opinion while inherently remaining a pragmatic skeptic.

Truth is the Ultimate Goal

The Sage has a foundational identity attachment to the belief that thinking is what defines the human experience and that truth is the ultimate goal. Motivated by independence, cognitive fulfillment and a serious need to know, the Sage possesses great knowledge gained from deep experience. This archetype is immersed in the inner landscape of knowledge and contemplation, practices nonattachment and usually has achieved some level of transcendence from the material world. The Sage signifies competence with added value.

A Lifelong Learner

Constantly balancing tradition and stability with the values of growth and change, the Sage is a lifelong learner who is always discovering new pieces to fit into the whole. Learning for its own sake is valued because it allows for detachment from the masses and the capacity to remain objective while deepening awareness and expanding one’s understanding of reality. The Sage cultivates wisdom through a systems perspective in which connections between seemingly separate beings, ideas and things are made and honored.

Archetype: The Sage

Class: primary


  • Wisdom
  • Intelligence
  • Truth seeking
  • Clarity of thought


  • Ignorance
  • Feeling Disconnected
  • Dogmatism
  • Righteousness or Arrogance